Bureaucratic Reform is essentially an effort to make fundamental reforms and changes to the system of governance. Reform is difficult, but when reform is successful, the benefits will be felt by the community.
Bureaucratic Reform is a “never ending process”, because change is certain and continues to roll following the development of civilization and the times. For this reason, in facing the endless flow of change and to perpetuate the existence of the state in the face of endless global dynamics, the state apparatus must achieve maximum performance, always adapt to changing rules and not be bound by the limits of victory to be achieved.
The Secretariat of the Directorate General of Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices held a Bureaucratic Reform Implementation Socialization Meeting of the Directorate General of Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices on September 3, 2019 at the Siwabessy Auditorium, Ministry of Health. The meeting was attended by all employees within the Directorate General of Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices consisting of Primary High Leadership Officials, Administrator Officials, Supervisory Officials, Functional Officials, Implementing Officials and Non-Civil Servant employees.
This Bureaucratic Reform Implementation Socialization activity is intended to provide a common understanding of all employees within the Directorate General of Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices and strengthen commitment in implementing better governance.
The implementation of Bureaucratic Reform has also been evaluated independently through filling out LKE in the PMPRB application which was submitted on May 10, 2019. In addition, each Working Group has also developed an action plan as a guideline in implementing Bureaucratic Reform.
In her remarks and direction, the Director General of Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Dra. Engko Sosialine, Apt., M. Biomed, hopes that the commitment of all levels of the Directorate General of Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices can follow this activity attentively and seriously and can implement it in their respective Work Units.