Home Public Information
Work Unit: Directorate General of Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices
PPID superior: Secretary General
No | Type of Information | Official/Work Unit who controls the information | Time and Location of Information Generation |
1 | Pharmaceutical Profile of Directorate General of Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices | Secretariat of the Directorate General | Annually, Jakarta |
2 | List of Pharmacies throughout Indonesia | Secretariat of the Directorate General | Annually, Jakarta |
3 | List of drugstore facilities throughout Indonesia | Secretariat of the Directorate General | Annually, Jakarta |
4 | List of Cosmetics Industry Facilities throughout Indonesia | Secretariat of the Directorate General | Annually, Jakarta |
5 | List of Traditional Medicine Industry Facilities throughout Indonesia | Secretariat of the Directorate General | Annually, Jakarta |
6 | List of Traditional Medicine Small/Micro Business Facilities throughout Indonesia | Secretariat of the Directorate General | Annually, Jakarta |
7 | List of Pharmaceutical Industry Facilities throughout Indonesia | Secretariat of the Directorate General | Annually, Jakarta |
8 | List of Pharmaceutical Wholesaler Facilities throughout Indonesia | Secretariat of the Directorate General | Annually, Jakarta |
9 | List of Medical Device Distribution Facilities throughout Indonesia | Secretariat of the Directorate General | Annually, Jakarta |
10 | List of Medical Device Industries | Secretariat of the Directorate General | Annually, Jakarta |
11 | List of Household Health Supplies Industry Facilities | Secretariat of the Directorate General | Annually, Jakarta |
12 | Performance Report (LKj) of DG Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices | Secretariat of the Directorate General | Annually, Jakarta |
13 | Performance Report (LKj) of the Secretariat of the Directorate General of Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices | Secretariat of the Directorate General | Annually, Jakarta |
14 | RKAKL / DIPA Ditjen Farmalkes | Secretariat of the Directorate General | Annually, Jakarta |
15 | Program Action Plan (RAP) Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices | Secretariat of the Directorate General | Annually, Jakarta |
16 | Activity Action Plan (RAK) of Secretariate of the Directorate General of Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices | Secretariat of the Directorate General | Annually, Jakarta |
17 | RKAKL / DIPA Ditjen Farmalkes | Secretariat of the Directorate General | Annually, Jakarta |
18 | Legislation and Regulations in the Field of Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices | Secretariat of the Directorate General | Annually, Jakarta |
19 | Infarkes Bulletin | Secretariat of the Directorate General | 2023, Jakarta |
20 | List of Decree on Credit Score Assessment of Functional Position of Pharmacist and Pharmacist Assistant | Secretariat of the Directorate General | Annually, Jakarta |
21 | Recapitulation of Incoming Letters and Outgoing Letters | Secretariat of the Directorate General | Annually, Jakarta |
22 | Recapitulation of Procurement of Goods and Services of the Secretariat of the Directorate General of Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices | Secretariat of the Directorate General | Annually, Jakarta |
23 | Financial Statement of Directorate General of Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices | Secretariat of the Directorate General | 2022, Jakarta |
24 | Financial Statement of the Secretariat of the Directorate General of Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices | Secretariat of the Directorate General | 2022, Jakarta |
25 | Public Complaint Reports | Secretariat of the Directorate General | 2023, Jakarta |
26 | Clinical Data Interpretation Guidelines | Directorate of Pharmaceutical Management and Services | 2011, Jakarta |
27 | Pharmaceutical Services Guidelines for Antibiotics | Directorate of Pharmaceutical Management and Services | 2011, Jakarta |
28 | Visite Guidelines | Directorate of Pharmaceutical Management and Services | 2011, Jakarta |
29 | Technical Guidelines for Evaluation of Drug Utilization in Health Facilities | Directorate of Pharmaceutical Management and Services | 2015, Jakarta |
30 | Minister of Health Regulation Number 53 of 2016 concerning Revocation of Minister of Health Regulation Number 284/MENKES/PER/III/2007 concerning Community Pharmacies | Directorate of Pharmaceutical Management and Services | 2016, Jakarta |
31 | Circular Letter of the Minister of Health Number HK.03.03/MENKES/704/2016 on the Implementation of the Minister of Health Regulation Number 53/2016 on the Revocation of the Minister of Health Regulation Number 284/MENKES/PER/III/2007 on Community Pharmacies | Directorate of Pharmaceutical Management and Services | 2016, Jakarta |
32 | Minister of Health Regulation Number 72 of 2016 concerning Pharmaceutical Service Standards in Hospitals | Directorate of Pharmaceutical Management and Services | 2016, Jakarta |
33 | Minister of Health Regulation Number 73 of 2016 concerning Pharmaceutical Service Standards at Pharmacies | Directorate of Pharmaceutical Management and Services | 2016, Jakarta |
34 | Minister of Health Regulation Number 74 of 2016 concerning Pharmaceutical Service Standards at Health Centers | Directorate of Pharmaceutical Management and Services | 2016, Jakarta |
35 | Minister of Health Regulation Number 9 of 2017 concerning Pharmacies | Directorate of Pharmaceutical Management and Services | 2017, Jakarta |
36 | Training Module on Pharmaceutical Services for Pharmacists at Puskesmas | Directorate of Pharmaceutical Management and Services | 2019, Jakarta |
37 | Technical Guidelines for Pharmaceutical Service Standards in Hospitals | Directorate of Pharmaceutical Management and Services | 2019, Jakarta |
38 | Technical Guidelines for Pharmaceutical Service Standards at Puskesmas | Directorate of Pharmaceutical Management and Services | 2019, Jakarta |
39 | Technical Guidelines for Pharmaceutical Service Standards in Pharmacies | Directorate of Pharmaceutical Management and Services | 2019, Jakarta |
40 | Guidelines for Pharmaceutical Services in Diabetes Mellitus | Directorate of Pharmaceutical Management and Services | 2019, Jakarta |
41 | Guidelines for Pharmaceutical Services in Hypertension | Directorate of Pharmaceutical Management and Services | 2019, Jakarta |
42 | Training Curriculum for Pharmaceutical Services for Pharmaceutical Workers at Puskesmas | Directorate of Pharmaceutical Management and Services | 2019, Jakarta |
43 | SE. Number HK.02.01/MENKES/283/2019 concerning Placement of Pharmacists at Puskesmas | Directorate of Pharmaceutical Management and Services | 2019, Jakarta |
44 | Minister of Health Regulation Number 28 of 2022 concerning Changes in the Classification, Restrictions and Categories of Medicines | Directorate of Pharmaceutical Management and Services | 2022, Jakarta |
45 | IEC material GeMa CerMat 2020 - 2022 | Directorate of Pharmaceutical Management and Services | 2022, Jakarta |
46 | GeMa CerMat 2023 IEC material | Directorate of Pharmaceutical Management and Services | 2023, Jakarta |
47 | National Formulary (Kepmenkes No. HK.01.07/MENKES/2197/2023) | Directorate of Pharmaceutical Management and Services | 2023, Jakarta |
48 | Formulary of Drugs and Health Supplies for Hajj Health Services (Kepmenkes No. HK.01.07/MENKES/69/2020) | Directorate of Pharmaceutical Management and Services | 2019, Jakarta |
49 | Guidelines for the Formulation and Implementation of the National Formulary (Permenkes No. 54/2018) | Directorate of Pharmaceutical Management and Services | 2018, Jakarta |
50 | Report on the availability of drugs and vaccines at health centers and in regencies/cities | Directorate of Pharmaceutical Management and Services | Annually, Jakarta |
51 | Report on the implementation of the drug and BMHP logistics monitoring system in Provinces/ Regencies/Cities | Directorate of Pharmaceutical Management and Services | Annually, Jakarta |
52 | E-monev application for drug catalog | Directorate of Pharmaceutical Management and Services | Annually, Jakarta |
53 | Training materials for pharmaceutical management in Regency/City Pharmacy Installations | Directorate of Pharmaceutical Management and Services | 2010, Jakarta |
54 | List of SOPs of the Directorate of Public Medicine and Health Supplies Management | Directorate of Pharmaceutical Management and Services | Annually, Jakarta |
55 | Recapitulation of procurement of goods and services Directorate of Pharmaceutical Management and Services | Directorate of Pharmaceutical Management and Services | Annually, Jakarta |
56 | Position map of the Directorate of Public Medicine and Health Supplies Management | Directorate of Pharmaceutical Management and Services | 2022, Jakarta |
57 | Performance report of the Directorate of Pharmaceutical Management and Services | Directorate of Pharmaceutical Management and Services | Annually, Jakarta |
58 | Handbook • Calculation matrix of drug and vaccine needs of the program • RPJMN and Strategic Plan 2020-2024 Indicators | Directorate of Pharmaceutical Management and Services | 2020, Jakarta |
59 | Decree of the Minister of Health Number HK.01.07/MENKES/381/2020 on the Value of Drug Price Claims for the Reverse Referral Program, Chronic Disease Drugs at Advanced Referral Health Facilities and Chemotherapy Drugs | Directorate of Pharmaceutical Management and Services | Annually, Jakarta |
60 | Minister of Health Regulation Number 5 of 2019 concerning Planning and Procurement of Medicines Based on Electronic Catalog | Directorate of Pharmaceutical Management and Services | 2019, Jakarta |
61 | Permenkes No. 17 Tahun 2017 tentang Rencana Aksi Pengembangan Industri Farmasi dan Alat Kesehatan | Directorate of Pharmaceutical Production and Distribution | 2017, Jakarta |
62 | Daftar Industri Farmasi yang memiliki Izin Importir Produsen Narkotika, Psikotropika dan Prekursor Farmasi | Directorate of Pharmaceutical Production and Distribution | Anytime, Jakarta |
63 | Daftar Pedagang Besar Farmasi yang memiliki Izin Importir Terdaftar Psikotropika dan Prekursor Farmasi | Directorate of Pharmaceutical Production and Distribution | Anytime, Jakarta |
64 | Daftar Industri Farmasi yang memiliki Izin Eksportir Produsen Narkotika, Psikotropika dan Prekursor Farmasi | Directorate of Pharmaceutical Production and Distribution | Anytime, Jakarta |
65 | Daftar Industri Farmasi yang diterbitkan izin usahanya | Directorate of Pharmaceutical Production and Distribution | Anytime, Jakarta |
66 | Daftar Pedagang Besar Farmasi yang diterbitkan izin usahanya | Directorate of Pharmaceutical Production and Distribution | Anytime, Jakarta |
67 | Indonesian Pharmacopoeia VI Edition | Directorate of Pharmaceutical Production and Distribution | 2020, Jakarta |
68 | Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan Nomor 1799/Menkes/Per/XII/2010 tentang Industri Farmasi | Directorate of Pharmaceutical Production and Distribution | 2010, Jakarta |
69 | Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan Nomor 16 Tahun 2013 tentang Perubahan atas Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan Nomor 1799/Menkes/Per/XII/2010 tentang Industri Farmasi | Directorate of Pharmaceutical Production and Distribution | 2013, Jakarta |
70 | Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan Nomor 1148/Menkes/Per/VI/2011 tentang Pedagang Besar Farmasi | Directorate of Pharmaceutical Production and Distribution | 2011, Jakarta |
71 | Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan Nomor 34 Tahun 2014 tentang Perubahan atas Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan Nomor 1148/Menkes/Per/VI/2011 tentang Pedagang Besar Farmasi | Directorate of Pharmaceutical Production and Distribution | 2014, Jakarta |
72 | Minister of Health Regulation Number 30 of 2017 concerning the Second Amendment to Minister of Health Regulation Number 1148/Menkes/Per/VI/2011 concerning Pharmaceutical Wholesalers | Directorate of Pharmaceutical Production and Distribution | 2017, Jakarta |
73 | Minister of Health Regulation Number 4 of 2023 concerning the Implementation of Plasma Fractionation | Directorate of Pharmaceutical Production and Distribution | 2023, Jakarta |
74 | Kodeks Makanan Indonesia 2018 | Directorate of Pharmaceutical Production and Distribution | 2019, Jakarta |
75 | Supplements to the Indonesian Food Codex | Directorate of Pharmaceutical Production and Distribution | 2022, Jakarta |
76 | Second Indonesian Food Codex Supplement | Directorate of Pharmaceutical Production and Distribution | 2023, Jakarta |
77 | e-KMI (Kodeks Makanan Indonesia) | Directorate of Pharmaceutical Production and Distribution | 2019, Jakarta |
78 | Minister of Health Regulation Number 033 of 2012 on Food Additives | Directorate of Pharmaceutical Production and Distribution | 2012, Jakarta |
79 | Modul TOT Penyuluh Keamanan Pangan (PKP) Industri Rumah Tangga Pangan (IRTP) bagi Tenaga Kesehatan di Wilayah Kerjanya | Directorate of Pharmaceutical Production and Distribution | 2019, Jakarta |
80 | Modul Pelatihan Penyuluh Keamanan Pangan (PKP) Industri Rumah Tangga Pangan (IRTP) bagi Tenaga Kesehatan di Wilayah Kerjanya | Directorate of Pharmaceutical Production and Distribution | 2019, Jakarta |
81 | Daftar Nota Kesepahaman Bersama (MoU) Fasilitasi Peralatan Pusat Pengolahan Pasca Panen Tanaman Obat (P4TO) | Directorate of Pharmaceutical Production and Distribution | Annually |
82 | Daftar Perjanjian Kerja Sama (PKS) Pelaksanaan Fasilitasi Peralatan Pusat Pengolahan Pasca Panen Tanaman Obat | Directorate of Pharmaceutical Production and Distribution | Annually |
83 | Daftar Perjanjian Kerja Sama (PKS) Fasilitasi Peralatan Laboratorium Pada Pusat Pengolahan Pasca Panen Tanaman Obat | Directorate of Pharmaceutical Production and Distribution | Annually |
84 | Indonesian Herbal Pharmacopoeia Second Edition | Directorate of Pharmaceutical Production and Distribution | 2017, Jakarta |
85 | Buku Acuan Bahan Baku Obat Tradisional dari Tumbuhan Obat di Indonesia | Directorate of Pharmaceutical Production and Distribution | 2017, Jakarta |
86 | Minister of Health Regulation Number 006 of 2012 concerning the Traditional Medicine Industry and Business | Directorate of Pharmaceutical Production and Distribution | 2012, Jakarta |
87 | Minister of Health Regulation Number 007 of 2012 on Traditional Medicine Registration | Directorate of Pharmaceutical Production and Distribution | 2012, Jakarta |
88 | Minister of Health Regulation Number 1175/MENKES/PER/VIII/2010 on Cosmetics Production License | Directorate of Pharmaceutical Production and Distribution | 2010, Jakarta |
89 | Minister of Health Regulation Number 63 of 2013 on the Amendment of Minister of Health Regulation Number 1175/MENKES/PER/VIII/2010 on Cosmetics Production License | Directorate of Pharmaceutical Production and Distribution | 2013, Jakarta |
90 | Materia Kosmetika Bahan Alam Indonesia | Directorate of Pharmaceutical Production and Distribution | 2015, Jakarta |
91 | Buku Saku Memilih Kosmetika yang Baik | Directorate of Pharmaceutical Production and Distribution | 2020, Jakarta |
92 | Kodeks Kosmetika Indonesia Edisi II Volume 3 | Directorate of Pharmaceutical Production and Distribution | 2012, Jakarta |
93 | Kodeks Kosmetika Indonesia Edisi II Volume 4 | Directorate of Pharmaceutical Production and Distribution | 2014, Jakarta |
94 | Phytopharmaceutical Formulary | Directorate of Pharmaceutical Production and Distribution | 2022, Jakarta |
95 | Supplement I Indonesian Herbal Pharmacopoeia II Edition | Directorate of Pharmaceutical Production and Distribution | 2022, Jakarta |
96 | Materia Cosmetica Indonesian Natural Ingredients Essential Oil Series | Directorate of Pharmaceutical Production and Distribution | 2022, Jakarta |
97 | Laporan Kinerja (LAKIP) Direktorat Produksi dan Distribusi Kefarmasian | Directorate of Pharmaceutical Production and Distribution | Annually, Jakarta |
98 | Daftar SOP Direktorat Produksi dan Distribusi Kefarmasian | Directorate of Pharmaceutical Production and Distribution | Annually, Jakarta |
99 | Daftar SK Direktorat Produksi dan Distribusi Kefarmasian | Directorate of Pharmaceutical Production and Distribution | Annually, Jakarta |
100 | Recapitulation of Incoming Letters and Outgoing Letters | Directorate of Pharmaceutical Production and Distribution | Annually, Jakarta |
101 | Rekapitulasi Pengadaan Barang dan Jasa | Direktorat Produksi Kefarmasian Direktorat Produksi dan Distribusi Kefarmasian | Annually, Jakarta |
102 | Laporan Keuangan Direktorat Produksi Kefarmasian (yg sudah diaudit) | Directorate of Pharmaceutical Production and Distribution | Annually, Jakarta |
103 | Farmakope Indonesia Edisi VI Suplemen I | Directorate of Pharmaceutical Production and Distribution | 2022, Jakarta |
104 | Petunjuk Teknis Mutu Kendali Obat | Directorate of Pharmaceutical Production and Distribution | 2020, Jakarta |
105 | Farmakope Indonesia Edisi VI Suplemen II | Directorate of Pharmaceutical Production and Distribution | 2023, Jakarta |
106 | Kepmenkes Nomor HK.01.07/MENKES/1276/2023 tentang Nilai Klaim Harga Obat Rujuk Balik, Obat Penyakit Kronis di FKRTL, Obat Kemoterapi, dan Obat Alteplase | Directorate of Pharmaceutical Production and Distribution | 2023, Jakarta |
107 | Kepmenkes Nomor HK. 01.07/MENKES/1333/2023 tentang Peningkatan Penggunaan Sediaan Farmasi yang Menggunakan Bahan Baku Produksi Dalam Negeri | Directorate of Pharmaceutical Production and Distribution | 2023, Jakarta |
108 | Kepmenkes Nomor HK.01.07/MENKES/1314/2023 tentang Substitusi Obat dan Alat Kesehatan Impor Dengan Obat dan Alat Kesehatan Dalam Negeri Pada Katalog Elektronik Sektoral Kesehatan | Directorate of Pharmaceutical Production and Distribution | 2023, Jakarta |
109 | Permenkes Nomor 5 Tahun 2023 tentang Narkotika, Psikotropika, dan Prekursor Farmasi | Directorate of Pharmaceutical Production and Distribution | 2023, Jakarta |
110 | Permenkes Nomor 29 Tahun 2023 tentang Perubahan Penggolongan Prekursor | Directorate of Pharmaceutical Production and Distribution | 2023, Jakarta |
111 | Permenkes Nomor 30 Tahun 2023 tentang Perubahan Penggolongan Narkotika | Directorate of Pharmaceutical Production and Distribution | 2023, Jakarta |
112 | Permenkes Nomor 31 Tahun 2023 tentang Penetapan dan Perubahan Penggolongan Psikotropika | Directorate of Pharmaceutical Production and Distribution | 2023, Jakarta |
113 | Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan Republik Indonesia Nomor 7 Tahun 2020 tentang Perubahan atas Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan Nomor 51 Tahun 2014 tentang Pemasukan Alat Kesehatan Melalui Mekanisme Jalur Khusus (Special Access Scheme) | Directorate of Medical Devices Production and Distribution | 2020, Jakarta (Revision in progress) |
114 | Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan Republik Indonesia Nomor 62 Tahun 2017 Tentang Izin Edar Alat Kesehatan, Alat kesehatan IVD dan PKRT | Directorate of Medical Devices Production and Distribution | 2017, Jakarta (revision in progress) |
115 | Minister of Health Regulation Number 63 of 2017 concerning Good Clinical Testing Methods for Medical Devices | Directorate of Medical Devices Production and Distribution | 2017, Jakarta (Dithan) |
116 | Minister of Health Regulation Number 17 of 2017 concerning Action Plan for the Development of the Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Industry | Directorate of Medical Devices Production and Distribution | 2017, Jakarta |
117 | Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan Republik Indonesia Nomor 76 Tahun 2013 Tentang Iklan Alat Kesehatan Dan Perbekalan Kesehatan Rumah Tangga | Directorate of Medical Devices Production and Distribution | 2013, Jakarta |
118 | Panduan Komunikasi, Informasi dan Edukasi Cerdas Meggunakan Alat Kesehatan dan Perbekalan Kesehatan Rumah Tangga | Directorate of Medical Devices Production and Distribution | 2020, Jakarta |
119 | Guidelines for Evalution of Medical Devices and In Vitro Diagnostic Medical Devices According to the Regulation of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia Number 62 of 2017 | Directorate of Medical Devices Production and Distribution | 2020, Jakarta |
120 | In Vitro Diagnostic Medical Devices and Medical Devices Grouping Guidelines | Directorate of Medical Devices Production and Distribution | 2019, Jakarta |
121 | Pedoman Penilaian Izin Edar Alat Kesehatan Sesuai Dengan Permenkes Nomor 62 Tahun 2017 | Directorate of Medical Devices Production and Distribution | 2019, Jakarta |
122 | Technical Guidance Guidelines for Licensing of Household Health Supplies | Directorate of Medical Devices Production and Distribution | 2018, Jakarta |
123 | Guidelines on the Procedure for Granting Approval for Advertisement of Medical Devices, In Vitro Diagnostic Devices and PKRT | Directorate of Medical Devices Production and Distribution | 2018, Jakarta |
124 | Katalog alkes dalam negeri | Directorate of Medical Devices Production and Distribution | 2018, Jakarta |
125 | Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan Republik Indonesia Nomor 60 Tahun 2017 tentang Tata Niaga Impor Alkes, Alkes IVD, dan Perbekkes | Directorate of Medical Devices Production and Distribution | 2017, Jakarta |
126 | Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan Republik Indonesia Nomor 14 Tahun 2021 Tentang Standar kegiatan usaha dan produk pada penyelenggaraan perizinan berusaha dan berbasis resiko sektor kesehatan | Directorate of Medical Devices Production and Distribution | 2021, Jakarta |
127 | Keputusan Menteri Kesehatan Republik Indonesia No. HK.01.07/ Menkes/ 161/ 2023 tentang Penggunaan tes cepat dalam pemeriksaan COVID-19 | Directorate of Medical Devices Production and Distribution | 2023, Jakarta |
128 | Kepdirjen Farmalkes Tentang Pelaksanaan Uji Klinik Alkes Prapemasaran dan Pascapemasaran | Direktorat Ketahanan Kefarmasian dan Alkes | 2023, Jakarta |
129 | KMK No. HK.01.07/MENKES/1333/2023 tentang Peningkatan Penggunaan Sediaan Farmasi yang Menggunakan Bahan Baku Dalam Negeri | Direktorat Ketahanan Kefarmasian dan Alkes | 2023, Jakarta |
130 | KMK No. HK.01.07/MENKES/1314/2023 tentang Substitusi Obat dan Alat Kesehatan Impor pada Katalog Elektronik Sektoral Kesehatan | Direktorat Ketahanan Kefarmasian dan Alkes | 2023, Jakarta |
131 | Petunjuk Teknis Pelaksanaan Sampling dan Pengujian Alkes dan PKRT | Direktorat Pengawasan Alkes | 2021, Jakarta |
132 | Pedoman Pengawasan Iklan Alkes dan PKRT | Direktorat Pengawasan Alkes | 2017, Jakarta |
133 | Kurikulum Pelatihan Pengawasan Produk Alat Kesehatan dan PKRT | Direktorat Pengawasan Alkes | 2021, Jakarta |
134 | Modul Pelatihan Pengawasan Produk Alat Kesehatan dan PKRT | Direktorat Pengawasan Alkes | 2021, Jakarta |
135 | Tata Cara Penarikan dan Pemusnahan Alat Kesehatan dan PKRT | Direktorat Pengawasan Alkes | 2020, Jakarta |
136 | Petunjuk Teknis Investigasi KTD Alat Kesehatan | Direktorat Pengawasan Alkes | 2020, Jakarta |
137 | Daftar Sampel Produk Alat Kesehatan dan PKRT yang Diuji | Direktorat Pengawasan Alkes | Annually |
138 | Daftar Produk Alat Kesehatan dan PKRT yang Diawasi Penandaannya | Direktorat Pengawasan Alkes | Annually |
139 | Daftar Iklan Alat Kesehatan dan PKRT yang diawasi | Direktorat Pengawasan Alkes | Annually |
140 | Petunjuk Teknis Pengawasan Sarana Penyalur Alkes | Direktorat Pengawasan Alkes | 2017, Jakarta |
141 | Petunjuk Teknis Pengawasan Sarana Produksi Alkes dan PKRT | Direktorat Pengawasan Alkes | 2019, Jakarta |
142 | Petunjuk Teknis Fasilitasi Penerapan Sistem Pengawasan Alat Kesehatan dan PKRT Secara On Line | Direktorat Pengawasan Alkes | 2017, Jakarta |
143 | Permenkes Nomor 60 Tahun 2017 tentang Pengawasan Tata Niaga Impor Alkes dan PKRT di Luar Kawasan Kepabeanan (Post Border) | Direktorat Pengawasan Alkes | 2017, Jakarta |
144 | Kepmenkes nomor HK.01.07/Menkes/234/2018 tentang Daftar Alat Kesehatan Diagnostik In Vitro dan Perbekalan Kesehatan Rumah Tangga Impor Yang Pengawasannya Dilakukan Dalam Kawasan Pabean (Border) dan Diluar Kawasan Pabean (Post Border) | Direktorat Pengawasan Alkes | 2018, Jakarta |
145 | Kurikulum Pelatihan Pengawasan Sarana Produksi dan Distribusi Alat Kesehatan dan PKRT | Direktorat Pengawasan Alkes | 2018, Jakarta |
146 | Modul Pelatihan Pengawasan Sarana Produksi dan Distribusi Alat Kesehatan dan PKRT | Direktorat Pengawasan Alkes | 2018, Jakarta |
147 | Panduan Teknis Pengawasan Alat Kesehatan Non Elektromedik Steril dan Alkes Diagnostik In Vitro di Sarana Distribusi Alat Kesehatan | Direktorat Pengawasan Alkes | 2019, Jakarta |
148 | Panduan Teknis Pengawasan Alat Kesehatan Non Elektromedik Steril dan Alkes Diagnostik In Vitro di Sarana Produksi Alat Kesehatan | Direktorat Pengawasan Alkes | 2019, Jakarta |
149 | Kurikulum Pelatihan Pengawasan Alat Kesehatan Non Elektromedik Steril dan Alkes Diagnostik In Vitro di Sarana Produksi dan Distribusi Alat Kesehatan | Direktorat Pengawasan Alkes | 2019, Jakarta |
150 | Modul Pelatihan Pengawasan Alat Kesehatan Non Elektromedik Steril dan Alkes Diagnostik In Vitro di Sarana Produksi dan Distribusi Alat Kesehatan | Direktorat Pengawasan Alkes | 2019, Jakarta |
151 | Petunjuk Teknis Pengawasan Alat Kesehatan Elektromedik Radiasi dan Non Radiasi di Sarana Distribusi Alat Kesehatan | Direktorat Pengawasan Alkes | 2019, Jakarta |
152 | Petunjuk Teknis Pengawasan Alat Kesehatan dan PKRT di Post Border | Direktorat Pengawasan Alkes | 2020, Jakarta |
153 | Daftar Standar Nasional Indonesia Alat Kesehatan dan PKRT | Direktorat Pengawasan Alkes | Annually |
154 | Laporan Kinerja Direktorat Pengawasan Alkes | Direktorat Pengawasan Alkes | Annually |
155 | Daftar SOP Direktorat Pengawasan Alkes | Direktorat Pengawasan Alkes | Annually |
156 | Daftar SK Direktorat Pengawasan Alkes | Direktorat Pengawasan Alkes | Annually |
157 | Recapitulation of Incoming Letters and Outgoing Letters | Direktorat Pengawasan Alkes | Annually |
158 | Peta jabatan dan analisis beban kerja Direktorat Pengawasan Alat Kesehatan dan PKRT | Direktorat Pengawasan Alkes | Annually |
159 | Laporan Keuangan dan BMN Direktorat Pengawasan Alat Kesehatan dan PKRT | Direktorat Pengawasan Alkes | Annually |
160 | Daftar Sertifikat CPAKB/CPPKRTB | Direktorat Pengawasan Alkes | Annually |
161 | Daftar Sertifikat CDAKB | Direktorat Pengawasan Alkes | Annually |
162 | Penyelenggaraan Penguatan Laboratorium Pengujian Alat Kesehatan dan Perbekalan Kesehatan Rumah Tangga | Direktorat Pengawasan Alkes | 2022, Jakarta |
163 | Petunjuk Teknis Pengawasan Toko Alat Kesehatan dan Optikal | Direktorat Pengawasan Alkes | 2021, Jakarta |
164 | Procedure for Reporting Adverse Events (AEs) of Medical Devices | Direktorat Pengawasan Alkes | 2020, Jakarta |
165 | Pedoman Standar Pelayanan Publik Sertifikasi Cara Pembuatan Alat Kesehatan yang Baik (CPAKB) dan Cara Pembuatan Perbekalan Kesehatan yang Baik (CPPKRTB) | Direktorat Pengawasan Alkes | 2022, Jakarta |
166 | Keputusan Menteri Kesehatan Nomor HK.01.07/MENKES/477/2021 Tentang Laboratorium Penguji Validitas Rapid Diagnostic Test Antigen (RDT-Ag) | Direktorat Pengawasan Alkes | 2021, Jakarta |
167 | Keputusan Menteri Kesehatan Nomor HK.01.07/Menkes/1337/2022 Tentang Pedoman Penyelenggaraan Perusahaan Rumah Tangga Alat Kesehatan dan Perbekalan Kesehatan Rumah Tangga | Direktorat Pengawasan Alkes | 2022, Jakarta |
168 | Petunjuk Operasional Penerapan CPAKB | Direktorat Pengawasan Alkes | 2018, Jakarta |
169 | Petunjuk Operasional Penerapan CPPKRTB | Direktorat Pengawasan Alkes | 2018, Jakarta |
170 | Modul CDAKB | Direktorat Pengawasan Alkes | 2018, Jakarta |
171 | Kepdirjen HK.02.02/I/1174/2021 tentang Kurikulum dan Modul Pelatihan Cara Distribusi Alat Kesehatan yang Baik | Direktorat Pengawasan Alkes | 2021, Jakarta |
172 | Kepdirjen HK.02.02/I/1175/2021 tentang Pelatihan CPAKB dan CPPKRTB | Direktorat Pengawasan Alkes | 2021, Jakarta |
173 | Kepdirjen HK.02.02/I/1177/2021 tentang Kurikulum dan Modul Pelatihan Pengelolaan Toko Alkes yang Baik | Direktorat Pengawasan Alkes | 2021, Jakarta |
174 | Kepdirjen HK.02.01/I/1176/2021 tentang Kurikulum dan Modul Penyuluhan Rumah Tangga Alkes dan PKRT | Direktorat Pengawasan Alkes | 2021, Jakarta |
175 | Surat Edaran Dirjen Farmalkes tentang Daftar Jejaring Laboratorium Pengujian Alkes dan PKRT | Direktorat Pengawasan Alkes | 2023, Jakarta |
176 | Surat Edaran CPAKB sebagai persyaratan izin edar | Direktorat Pengawasan Alkes | 2023, Jakarta |
177 | Surat Edaran Pengujian Post Market Alkes | Direktorat Pengawasan Alkes | 2023, Jakarta |
178 | Standar Pengujian Post-Market Produk Rapid Diagnostic Test (Antibodi HIV, Antibodi Sifilis, Antigen Covid-19, Antigen Denque NS-1, Antigen Hepatitis B, dan Antigen Malaria) | Direktorat Pengawasan Alkes | 2022, Jakarta |
179 | Permenkes Nomor 4 Tahun 2014 tentang CDAKB | Direktorat Pengawasan Alkes | 2014, Jakarta |