The government's effort to provide vaccinations to the entire community, especially to health workers, is a long journey and has gone through an assessment of all aspects to determine the choice of vaccine type. Health workers are the first to be chosen as the main priority to get vaccinated because health workers are the spearhead in health services during this pandemic. To date, thousands of health workers have been exposed to COVID-19 and the country has lost 552 health workers who died in the handling of COVID-19 (data @laporcovid until January 7, 2021).
Vaccination is a preventive effort to reduce the death rate of health workers during the COVID-19 pandemic, and it is hoped that no more health workers will have to leave their families due to exposure to the SARS COV-2 virus.
The implementation of COVID-19 vaccination is a new thing that the government will do, therefore it is necessary to conduct socialization, especially regarding aspects of safety, efficacy, and halalness so that the implementation of vaccination can run smoothly and successfully.
Interactive Dialogue: “Peel Through the COVID-19 Vaccination” as one of the socialization efforts carried out on January 12, 2021 virtually, involving all health workers in the DIY and Bali Regions and general participants can follow via youtube streaming. The dialogue presented Dr. Jane Soepardi, MPH (Immunization Expert), Prof. Dr. Sri Rezeki Hadinegoro, SpA (K) (Chair of the Indonesia Technical Advisory Group on Immunization /ITAGI) and KH. Sholahudin Al-Aiyub, M.Si (Wasekjen MUI) as speakers with Dr. Lula Kamal, M.Sc as moderator.
You can watch the video of the interactive dialog below