Food is one of the basic human needs whose fulfillment is the human right of every Indonesian, therefore it is necessary to guarantee the safety, quality and nutritional aspects of food circulating in the community, including household industry food from the scale of business capital which includes micro small businesses. The government provides support for micro and small business actors in all sectors as stipulated in the Job Creation Law Number 11 of 2020 through adjustments to various regulatory aspects related to the ease, protection and empowerment of cooperatives and micro, small and medium enterprises, improving the investment ecosystem, and accelerating national strategic projects, including improving the protection and welfare of workers.
The food sector is a cross-sectoral job which in its implementation requires coordination and exchange of information as well as a common perception so that there are no overlapping activities, policy contradictions or unsynchronized implementation in the regions. Therefore, the Directorate of Pharmaceutical Production and Distribution held a workshop on "The Role of the Government in Supporting the Ease of Doing Business in the Household Food Business Sector" which was held through zoom meetings and YouTube streaming, held in 2 terms, for the Western Region on Wednesday, October 6, 2021 and for the Central and Eastern Regions on Thursday, October 7, 2021. This activity aims to synergize the role of the central and regional governments in the implementation of risk-based business licensing in order to encourage competitive food sector MSMEs. This activity was attended by 1,062 people consisting of representatives of the Provincial Health Office, Regency / City Health Office, Regency / City One-Stop Investment and Licensing Office. Resource persons came from the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Cooperatives and MSMEs, Ministry of Industry, Ministry of Investment / BKPM, Halal Product Guarantee Agency, Ministry of Religion.
MSMEs in Indonesia amount to 64.19 million in all sectors and the composition of Micro and Small Enterprises is very dominant, namely 64.13 million or around 99.92% of the entire business sector which is also still in the informal sector so that it needs to be encouraged to transform to the formal sector. One form of encouragement for this transformation is through the ease of the licensing process as mandated in the Job Creation Law and has been followed up with the issuance of Government Regulation Number 5 of 2021 concerning the Implementation of Risk-Based Business Licensing and implemented into an Online Single Submission (OSS) system. The Ministry of Health follows up on Government Regulation Number 5 of 2021 through the issuance of Minister of Health Regulation Number 14 of 2021 concerning Business Activity and Product Standards in the Implementation of Risk-Based Business Licensing in the Health Sector, one of which also contains standards for food household industry businesses which, in accordance with Law Number 23 of 2014 concerning Regional Government, has the authority of the Regent/Mayor.
The Household Food Industry is a food company that has a place of business in residences and shop houses with manual to semi-automatic food processing equipment and in accordance with Government Regulation No. 5 of 2021, this type of business is categorized as low-medium risk and there are standards that must be met in its operational/commercialization activities. Through Permenkes 14 of 2021, the Ministry of Health issued the Household Industry Food Processing Standard (SKP-PIRT) for household food businesses. The hope of organizing this workshop is to increase the capacity of human resources in all Provincial Health Offices, District / City Offices and District / City One-Stop Integrated Investment and Licensing Offices so that the guidance of the Household Food Industry (IRTP) in their respective work areas can run well and encourage competitive MSMEs with products that are guaranteed aspects of food safety, quality and nutrition according to regulations.