The Directorate General of Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices, Ministry of Health held the 2nd Technofarmalkes activity with the theme 'Progressing Step to Achieve National Resilience in Pharma and Medical Device', on August 23-24, 2022 in Bali.
The activity, which was officially opened by the Deputy Minister of Health, Dr. Dante Saksono Harbuwono virtually, is aimed at encouraging innovation in the field of pharmaceuticals and medical devices in the country, both product innovation, technology / health information systems, and policies, in line with the spirit of transformation of the Health system.

Director General of Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices L. Rizka Andalucia in delivering her report said that the COVID-19 pandemic posed a major challenge to the Indonesian health system, as seen from the decline in performance in several health programs. The scarcity of drugs, medical devices, and vaccines during the early days of the pandemic has also become an obstacle to efforts to deal with the pandemic in Indonesia.
"Thus, the independence of pharmaceutical preparations and medical devices is needed to build resilience in facing difficult times such as the COVID-19 pandemic," said the Director General.

Therefore, a systematic effort is needed to realize the independence of pharmaceutical preparations and medical devices so that in the future Indonesia is better prepared to face the challenges of the health system.
This series of Technofarmalkes events is one of the efforts to implement health transformation, especially the transformation of the health security system and the transformation of health technology. "This event aims to increase innovation in the field of pharmaceuticals and domestic medical devices through various efforts such as product innovation, the use of health technology, or policy formulation," said the Deputy Minister of Health.
This activity is expected to increase the synergy of the development and downstreaming of pharmaceutical preparations (medicinal raw materials, biotechnology, vaccines and naturals) and medical devices. In addition, a research/development ecosystem can be built that can accelerate the achievement of independence in the field of pharmaceutical preparations and medical devices.
The activity, which was carried out using the discussion method with speakers from within and outside the country, had a series of activities including business matching of pharmaceuticals and medical devices, bilateral meetings, pharmaceutical and medical device innovation exhibitions, and also side events of business matching of P4TO-PED with industries and businesses in the field of traditional medicine and cosmetics.
In addition, the Dictionary of Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices was socialized by the Chief Digital Transformation Office of the Indonesian Ministry of Health, Setiaji. This KFA serves to standardize pharmaceutical and medical device metadata in the SatuSehat platform, which will be used at the planning, production, procurement, distribution, usage, and reporting stages.

Through this activity, the Directorate General of Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices gave awards to hospitals in Bali and vertical hospitals with the highest realization of domestic medical equipment expenditures and awarded certificates to the medical device industry with high compliance in fulfilling distribution permit requirements.
Special Staff of the Indonesian Minister of Health for the Resiliency of the Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Industry, Prof. Dr. Laksono Trisnantoro in the closing of the activity said,

The Ministry of Health will continue to encourage the creation of a domestic research, development and manufacturing ecosystem for pharmaceutical preparations and medical devices, including the synergy of domestic product development teams so as to reduce dependence on imported products as well as meet the new needs of the community in the future.
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