Indonesian people consume a lot of medicinal plant simplisia and plant extracts in the form of herbal medicine. Jamu is a cultural heritage of the Indonesian people, in the form of medicinal plant ingredients that have been used for generations (empirically) which are proven safe and have health benefits. Jamu is one of the three types of traditional medicine categorized based on the level of evidence of safety and benefits in addition to Standardized Herbal Medicines (OHT) and Phytopharmaceuticals.
The role of Indonesian traditional medicine is very important in health development related to preventive and promotive approaches to maintaining health and increasing community access to medicine. In addition to being used as self-medication in the community, the Ministry of Health needs to encourage the use of traditional medicine in health care facilities. This is a form of government commitment in supporting and taking a role in strengthening traditional medicine (OHT and Fitofarmaka) to be able to compete at the domestic and global levels.
The use of phytopharmacia in health services can be carried out through procurement with capitation funds in accordance with Permenkes Number 21 of 2016 or with DAK funds in accordance with Permenkes Number 3 of 2022. In the event that the required drugs are not listed in the DOEN and Fornas, other drugs including traditional medicines (Phytopharmacia and OHT) can be used on a limited basis according to medical indications and health services with the approval of the District / City Health Office.
Therefore, advocacy is needed to the Heads of Health Offices and other stakeholders to be able to utilize phytopharmacology in health care facilities and to socialize and promote the use of phytopharmacology to heads of regency / city offices and stakeholders.
To increase participation and coordination between stakeholders, The Directorate General of Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices through the Directorate of Pharmaceutical Production and Distribution needs to carry out activities to increase the use of phytopharmacology to the Western Regional Government at the Radison Hotel Medan on November 10, 2022. This activity was attended by participants representing the Provincial / Regency / City Health Office, Universities, Associations, and Practitioners.
Director of Pharmaceutical Production and Distribution, Agusdini Banun Saptaningsih, said in her speech. “Currently there are 24 phytopharmaca distribution license numbers with 7 indications (immunomodulator, gastric ulcer, antidiabetic, antihypertensive, blood circulation, increase albumin levels, and erectile dysfunction) and will continue to be developed”.
She also added that to ensure the sustainability of phytopharmaca production and development, it needs to be supported by an increase in phytopharmaca demand, especially in health care facilities.
In addition to webinar activities, discussion sessions and simulations, this activity also included an exhibition of natural-based medicines that have obtained a Number of Edar Permit (NIE) and are labeled as Fitofarmaka.