Located at JS Luwansa Hotel, the Directorate General of Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices has carried out the second day of Socialization and FGD activities on March 29, 2023, the event took place with a hybrid method both offline and online through zoom meetings and the Ministry of Health Youtube channel.
The agenda on the second day discussed the Independence of Blood Plasma Products through Strengthening Industry Regulations delivered by the Director General of Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices, Lucia Rizka Andalusia.
Minister of Health, Budi G Sadikin had the opportunity to open the event by taping. He said that the Ministry of Health is mandated by the President of the Republic of Indonesia as the Coordinator of government representatives with the DPR and other related Ministries. In carrying out this mandate, meaningful public participation is important so that the public's right to be heard, the public's right to have their input considered and the public's right to obtain explanations can be accommodated.
In her presentation, the Director General of Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices said that the regulation of blood services in health efforts that utilize human blood and aim to cure diseases and restore health must be supported by policies and coordination implemented by the government to ensure the availability, safety and quality of blood.
In this activity, relevant stakeholders were also involved in the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs, Coordinating Ministry for Marves, Coordinating Ministry for PMK, Bappenas, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Industry, Ministry of BUMN, Ministry of Trade, BKPM, BPOM, BPJS Health, LKPP, PMI Central and Jabodetabek, UTD Vertical Hospitals, Professional Associations and Organizations and Expert Teams such as Prof. Dr. dr. Herkutanto, SpF (K), SH, LLM, FACLM and Prof. Dr. drg. Mardiati Nadjib, M.S.