In order to support health independence and resilience, especially in the pharmaceutical sector, the Ministry of Health through the Directorate General of Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices held a National Forum on Downstreaming and Increasing the Use of Domestic Pharmaceutical Preparations at Borobudur Hotel on 16 May 2023.
Following up on Presidential Instruction Number 2 of 2022 concerning the Acceleration of Increasing the Use of Domestic Products and Products of Micro, Small and Cooperative Enterprises in order to succeed the National Proud to Make Indonesia Movement, the Ministry of Health issued Decree of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia Number HK.01.07/MENKES/1333/2023 concerning Increasing the Use of Pharmaceutical Preparations Using Domestically Produced Raw Materials on May 8, 2023. The KMK regulates that government agencies, both at the central and regional levels, and private institutions, must prioritize pharmaceutical preparations that use domestically produced raw materials, in the process of procuring goods / services carried out through electronic catalogs.
There are 62 items of medicinal raw materials that can be produced domestically and are ready for use, consisting of 45 items of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient (API), 2 items of natural raw materials, 3 items of biological product raw materials, and 12 items of active substances for vaccines and serums. It is expected that pharmaceutical preparations using domestically produced raw materials listed in the electronic catalog meet the value of the domestic component level (TKDN) of at least 52% (fifty-two percent) for drugs and traditional medicines, and at least 70% (seventy percent) for vaccines and serums.
The forum, which was opened by the Indonesian Minister of Health Budi G. Sadikin, was attended by 350 offline participants consisting of the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Investment, Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture, Ministry of Industry, POM RI, Ministry of Investment / BKPM, BAPPENAS, Financial and Development Supervisory Agency, Provincial and Regency / City Health Offices in the Jakarta area, vertical hospitals, Police / TNI hospitals, and private, pharmaceutical industry, representatives of clinics and pharmacies, associations (GP Pharmacy, PP Hisfarsi, PERSI, AB3O, IPMG) and practitioners / experts / academics. In addition, this forum was also attended by online participants both through zoom and youtube Kemenkes.
The Minister of Health said that in order to encourage the development of the pharmaceutical and medical device industry upstream and downstream, it is necessary to build an ecosystem, conduct problem mapping, licensing, data transparency, compelling regulations and incentives so as to increase industry interest in investing in producing raw materials for medicines and medical devices. This is an effort to realize pharmaceutical and medical device independence, improve community services and Indonesia is better prepared to face the challenges of the next pandemic.
Local governments, the central government and hospitals must prioritize the purchase of domestic drugs. In the future, the Ministry of Health will monitor the purchase of domestic drugs in large hospitals. "The pharmaceutical industry is a development from upstream to downstream and must be built, the government will provide good regulations. My message to the pharmaceutical industry, let's increase domestic products," said the Minister of Health.
Director General of Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices, L. Rizka Andalusia also said that in order to accelerate the use of domestic raw materials, it is necessary to strengthen the pharmaceutical supply chain system starting from active raw materials, carrier raw materials to the formulation industry and can be distributed. In addition, routine vaccine spending data in the government sector is around 3-4 trillion / year, if the vaccine is produced domestically, it has the opportunity to develop the Indonesian economy.
This pharmaceutical independence is a joint homework that can be realized through the synergy of government, industry and central, regional and private agencies.
"We, the pharmaceutical industry, can maintain supply for the community and secure the community, by using domestic raw materials in order to provide competitive prices but still prioritize quality assurance. So that the 3rd pillar of transformation related to pharmaceutical resilience, especially in the field of drugs and pharmaceuticals, needs to be supported, "said Deputy Director External Relations (pharmaceutical and food) Konimex, Mr. Daud.
"The existing regulations can make it easier for us to provide drugs for patients, especially BPJS patients to get drugs at affordable prices but can be guaranteed benefits and quality, because we will only use drugs that have passed the BPOM test. The hope is that in the future more and more industries will be able to produce other types of domestic product drugs that have not been fulfilled at this time," said the President Director of Dr. M. Goenawan Partowidigdo Lung Hospital, dr. Sila.
In this series of activities, Director General Rizka gave awards to those who played a role in the use of pharmaceutical preparations with domestic raw materials into 3 (three) categories, namely the pharmaceutical industry that produces chemical raw materials, natural, biological products and active substances for vaccines and serums, the pharmaceutical industry that produces pharmaceutical preparations using domestically produced raw materials and the top 10 vertical hospitals with the highest domestic drug expenditure. In addition, business matching is also carried out in this forum which aims to explore the potential for cooperation between the pharmaceutical raw material industry and the formulation industry.