In an effort to increase the resilience of the pharmaceutical supply chain system in Indonesia, the Ministry of Health has launched the transformation of the health resilience system, with a target of local production of 14 program vaccines and top 10 drugs by 2024.
In addition, the strengthening of local production of essential drugs including blood products, other biological products, as well as phytopharmaceuticals and Standardized Herbal Medicines (OHT) in the context of developing and utilizing Indonesia's natural resources through the application of evidence-based medicine is also continuously encouraged to be developed and increased its use in the country.
Jakarta, June 14, 2023. The Directorate General of Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices of the Indonesian Ministry of Health through the Directorate of Pharmaceutical Production and Distribution held a Coaching Clinic for the Development of Traditional Medicine Industries and Businesses in order to Increase Competitiveness, as an effort of the Ministry of Health in providing comprehensive guidance to encourage the development of traditional medicine industries and businesses.
This hybrid activity was attended by participants from traditional medicine industries and businesses with the aim that the industry can increase competitiveness and can increase the capacity of production facilities in producing natural medicines that are guaranteed safety, efficacy and quality.
Acting Director of Pharmaceutical Production and Distribution Roy Himawan said that the growth and improvement of the pharmaceutical preparation industry must still pay attention to the application of standards to ensure the safety, efficacy and quality aspects of pharmaceutical preparations produced.
"With the implementation of these aspects, it is expected that the products produced will remain consistent, so that public health is maintained. The technical person in charge of traditional medicine production facilities plays an important role in producing safe, efficacious and quality pharmaceutical preparations," Himawan said.
"With the implementation of these aspects, it is expected that the products produced will remain consistent, so that public health is maintained. The technical person in charge of traditional medicine production facilities plays an important role in producing safe, efficacious and quality pharmaceutical preparations," Himawan said.