On March 28, 2024, two participants of the Japanese Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices (PMDA) internship program from the Ministry of Health paid a courtesy visit to the Deputy Ambassador of Japan in Indonesia before their departure to start the program on April 2, 2024 for the next one year. Located at the Embassy of Japan in Indonesia, Siti Sari Septiani and Tian Nugraheni were received by the Deputy Ambassador, Mr. Nagai Katsuro, and First Secretary (Health, Labor and Welfare Attachẻ), Mr. Nakao Yusuke. On this occasion, the two interns expressed their appreciation for Japan's support in increasing the capacity of Indonesian medical device regulators through this long-term program. In addition, the two Health Administrators also expressed their enthusiasm to explore regulatory science and policy making developed by PMDA in creating an ecosystem that supports innovation. This is in line with the health transformation program in the field of pharmaceutical and medical device security which places innovation as a leapfrog strategy.
The Deputy Ambassador of Japan welcomed this intention and said that the 1-year internship opportunity should be utilized to increase knowledge, experience and networking. "We hope this program can contribute and have a significant impact on Indonesia, not only in the medical sector, but also economically and culturally," said the Deputy Ambassador. The two interns who will be assigned to Japan are expected to become a bridge that strengthens cooperation between PMDA and the Ministry of Health. In addition, Mr. Nagai also said that work-life balance has been promoted in Japan so that interns can enjoy Japanese life and culture while living there.
Since 2013, the Ministry of Health has attended various trainings related to medical device regulations organized by PMDA. However, this long-term internship program is a special program that was first organized by PMDA and offered only to Indonesia. This aspirational program has moved quite progressively, starting from the initiation between PMDA's Senior Executive Director, Dr. Shinobu Uzu, and the Director General of Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices of the Ministry of Health, Dr. L. Rizka Andalucia, in October 2022, then the signing of the Letter of Intent between the Deputy Minister of Health, Prof. dr. Dante Saksono Harbuwono, Sp.PD-KEMD, and the Chief Executive of PMDA, Dr. Fujiwara Yasuhiro, M.D., Ph.D., then the signing of the MoU between Dr. Uzu and Director General. Rizka, until the implementation of the program on April 2, 2024. Both the Ministry of Health and PMDA hope that this program can have a positive impact on both parties and be sustainable in order to strengthen cooperation between the two countries.