Health development is carried out based on the division of authority, which is oriented towards achieving Minimum Service Standards in the Health Sector, implemented in accordance with PP No. 2/2018 concerning Minimum Service Standards and further explained by Permenkes 4/2019 concerning Technical Standards for Fulfillment of Basic Service Quality at Minimum Service Standards in the Health Sector. SPM in the Health Sector is divided for Provinces and Regencies / Cities, where the implementation of SPM is expected to help solve health problems whose application prioritizes promotive-preventive elements.
In an effort to implement the SPM, the Ministry of Health has launched the Healthy Indonesia Program with a Family Approach (PIS-PK). PIS-PK data collection that has been comprehensive (total coverage) can provide information on SPM target data (life cycle and disease problems) in real terms, not projections, individual data in the form of a by name by address database of individuals/families with health problems, and can link PIS-PK achievements with program achievements.
For this reason, the Ministry of Health encourages Health Offices to utilize PIS-PK in analyzing the root causes of problems in efforts to improve health services, as well as calculating health service needs, so that efforts can be made to improve health services so that SPM can be achieved.
As an effort to increase coverage and output In an effort to increase coverage and output in the implementation of PIS-PK in the region, the Directorate General of Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices through the Secretariat of the Directorate General of Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices has conducted advocacy and guidance to 5 provinces in the form of meetings involving all provinces in the region, cross-program units in the Ministry of Health, Data and Information Center and Planning and Budget Bureau, and experts.
Secretary of the Directorate General of Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices, drg. Arianti Anaya, M.K.M. had the opportunity to give directions and officially open the activity which was held in Jakarta, February 24, 2021. “The implementation of PIS-PK can be measured, one of which is by looking at the Healthy Family Index (IKS). The results of the IKS achievement can be used as a benchmark for health development strategies at each level of government.”
From the results of this achievement, lessons can be drawn whether the strategies implemented are appropriate in improving the degree of public health. IKS can also be a benchmark for the implementation of the Healthy Living Community Movement (Germas) by the community. Thus, IKS can be used as one of the indicators in the Regional Medium-Term Development Plan. Good results are obtained if the IKS increases and the trend of unhealthy families decreases. In the current condition of the Covid-19 pandemic, of course a lot has been done as an effort to handle it. For this reason, on this occasion it is hoped that there will be developments related to efforts that have been made both at the center and in the provinces under the guidance of the Directorate General of Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices.