Jakarta, May 10, 2021
The Directorate of Pharmaceutical Services, Directorate General of Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices, Ministry of Health held a Vaccine Management Webinar at Health Care Facilities which was held on Monday, May 10, 2021, at 08.30 - 12.00 WIB, via zoom and live streaming youtube. The objectives of this webinar meeting are:
- Equipping pharmaceutical personnel in health care facilities to obtain the latest information on immunization implementation policies in the Covid-19 pandemic era.
- Improve access and flexibility of information obtained by pharmaceutical workers.
- Optimizing coordination and collaboration with program managers to support the role of pharmaceutical personnel in vaccine management in health care facilities.
The Vaccine Management in Health Care Facilities webinar began with an opening and direction from the Director of Pharmaceutical Services. This meeting was attended by representatives of pharmaceutical professionals who are in charge of pharmaceutical services in health service facilities (hospitals, Puskesmas, clinics and pharmacies), representatives from provincial / district / city health offices and representatives of professional organizations from IAI and PAFI. There were 3,478 webinar participants who followed via zoom and YouTube social media.
Here is the Youtube Live Streaming link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RDv8ktxzvlA.
The materials presented in this webinar are as follows:
- Pharmaceutical Services Policy by Ms. Dita Novianti, S.Si., Apt., MM, Director of Pharmaceutical Services, Directorate General of Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices, Ministry of Health;
- Current Immunization Program Policies in the Context of Preventing Immunizable Diseases (PD3I) in the Era of Covid-19 Pandemic by dr. Asik Surya, MPPM, Immunization Coordinator of the Directorate of Surveillance and Health Quarantine;
- Planning and Management of Program Vaccines and Their Logistics in Health Care Facilities by Ahadi Wahyu Hidayat, S.Sos., S.Farm., Apt., Subcoordinator of Public Drug Control, Directorate of Public Drug Governance and Health Supplies;
- Vaccine Cold Chain Management to Maintain Vaccine Safety, Quality and Efficacy by Jusef Herdiana Sasmita, Head of Specialist Products Section of PT Bio Farma;
- KIPI in Immunization Program and Education to the Public by Prof. Dr. Hinky Hindra Irawan Satari, dr. Sp.A(K), M.Trop.Paed, Chairman of PP KIPI National Committee.
The material presented in this socialization can be obtained through the link https://link.kemkes.go.id/materivaksin10mei2021
Some other information related to Pharmaceutical Services that has been organized through webinars by the Directorate of Pharmaceutical Services can be followed through Youtube Management and Clinical Pharmacy bit.ly/youtube-MKF. (nk)