Jakarta (31/5/22) Deconcentration is one of the Directorate General of Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices' strategies to accelerate implementation, increase effectiveness, and expand the beneficiaries of the programs/activities carried out.
The Deconcentration Technical Coordination Meeting (Rakontek Dekon) of the Directorate General of Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices FY 2023 was attended by representatives of 34 Provincial Health Offices and representatives of the Directorate General of Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices along with resource persons from the Center for Increasing the Use of Domestic Products (P3DN Center), Bureau of Planning and Budget, Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, and Echelon II within the Directorate General of Pharmaceuticals & Medical Devices of the Ministry of Health.
The material presented included: TKDN Policy in the field of Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices; Budget Planning Policy for the Health Sector including Dekon FY. 2023; Explanation of Deconcentration Activities in 2022 from each Echelon II Unit within the Directorate General of Pharmaceuticals and Health Equipment; and Assistance in the preparation of supporting data (TOR and RAB).
The implementation of activities with a hybrid model (online and offline) with the method of presenting material and in-depth discussion between participants and resource persons, namely by asking questions and answers in the preparation of deconcentration planning and budget documents, preparation, assistance and collection of supporting data for the FY 2023 Deconcentration planning.
The purpose of this Rakontek Dekon activity is to socialize the deconcentration policy and menu of the Directorate General of Pharmaceuticals and Health Equipment FY 2023 to the Province; Align deconcentration planning so as to obtain optimal deconcentration planning quality, in accordance with central policy and regional needs; Coordinate deconcentration planning and budgeting so as to obtain planning documents that comply with the provisions in supporting the entire planning and budgeting process FY. 2023, as well as to realize Health System Transformation, which includes Primary Service Transformation, Referral Service Transformation, and Health System Resilience Transformation where it is expected that the transformation values can be reflected in the planning of FY 2023 deconcentration activities.
Secretary of the Directorate General of Pharmaceutical and Medical Devices - Dita Novianti S. A, S.Si, Apt, MM in her remarks stated, “The 2023 menu is mostly a new menu because there are changes from OTK, but for budget planning it still refers to past policies, so the implementation will not be much different from what has been implemented in the previous year, so I ask you to be able to take advantage of this funding source to be able to work together in achieving the performance targets that have been set.”
In 2021, the realization of the Directorate General of Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices deconcentration budget reached 87.22%, lower than the previous year's realization in 2020 which was 94.82%. This is due to the focus of the Provincial Health Office on handling the COVID-19 Pandemic, Vaccination and Vaccine Data Validation.
In 2022, there are fundamental changes related to Health Transformation which have an impact on changes in the Ministry of Health's Strategic Plan, Organization and Work Procedures of the Ministry of Health (OTK), planning and budgeting (One DIPA) and simplification of the Deconcentration Menu in 2022.
Almost until the middle of the year, the implementation of the FY 2022 deconcentration cannot be carried out, this is because the Permenkes Guidelines for the Use of Deconcentration Funds of the Ministry of Health for Fiscal Year 2022 are still in process.
The provisions that must be adhered to when planning the deconcentration budget are regarding funding where it is allocated for non-physical activities, namely activities that produce outputs that do not add to fixed assets, non-physical activities referred to include synchronization and coordination of planning, facilitation, technical guidance, training, counseling, supervision, workshops, research and surveys, guidance and supervision, and control. (Minister of Finance Regulation Number 248/PMK.07/2010 concerning Amendments to Minister of Finance Regulation Number 156/PMK.07/2008 concerning Guidelines for the Management of Deconcentration and Assistance Tasks Funds)
Another provision is that budget management and implementation of activities using deconcentration funds must be integrated, integrated with activities originating from other budget sources, must not be duplicated, carried out in an orderly manner, in compliance with laws and regulations, efficient, effective, transparent, and responsible.
In its implementation, to improve the performance of the Provincial Health Office in the utilization of deconcentration funds, the Provincial Health Office is allowed / can involve Regency / City Health Offices, Hospitals and Community Health Centers in planning and implementing activities. The Provincial Health Office is the person in charge of activities and financial management. The Secretary General also reminded that the Provincial Health Office must have a commitment to utilize the Ministry of Health's deconcentration funds as optimally as possible in order to achieve the targets of Health System Transformation and health development.
Bureau of Planning and Budget - Ministry of Health
Integrated Deconcentration Year 2023
Center for Increasing the Use of Domestic Products - Ministry of Industry