Efforts to realize the increase in the resilience of the pharmaceutical and medical device sector continue to be carried out continuously by the Ministry of Health through the Directorate General of Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices. In terms of drug independence, local production is directed at program needs and for the production of the 10 largest consumer drug raw materials. One of the strategies in realizing this independence is to strengthen research through activating hulunization and increasing downstream, one of which is through facilitating change sources in the formulation industry in Indonesia.
The Directorate General of Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices through the Directorate of Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Resilience held a dissemination and focus group discussion on Change Source Bisoprolol and Candesartan on April 14, 2023 in a hybrid manner in Jakarta. This socialization and FGD activity involved the PDN BBO downstream technical team, the pharmaceutical industry, and industry associations.

Director of Pharmaceutical Security and Medical Devices, Roy Himawan through his presentation emphasized that the Government provides change source facilities to increase the use of domestic drug raw materials in the 10 largest consumable drug raw materials by value, as well as the positive impact that can be generated. "From the change source of the 10 largest consumption BBO, it will reduce imports by 19.75%," Himawan said.

Director of Pharmaceutical Production and Distribution, Agusdini Banun Saptaningsih also delivered material related to the use of domestic products. "Based on Government Regulation Number 29 of 2018 and Presidential Regulation Number 16 of 2018, it is mandated to use domestic products with the value of the Domestic Component Level plus the value of the Company's Benefit Weight of at least 40%," said Agusdini.
Bisoprolol and Candesartan include drug raw materials with the classification of Antihypertensive which is the target of change source facilitation in 2023. The Ministry of Health targets the completion of domestic BBO development to continue to increase every year so as to increase the number of drug products with TKDN> 52% which are prioritized in procurement, especially for government procurement of goods / services.
This change source program is carried out to facilitate the formulation industry in substituting imported raw materials to domestic raw materials, and is taken into account in determining product prices so as to help the affordability aspect of drugs. It is hoped that this program can increase the use of domestically produced BBO and reduce the number of BBO imports and increase the competitiveness and production of domestic end-to-end medicinal raw materials.