Increasing the resilience of medical devices is strongly influenced by the growth of domestic industrial capacity, one of which is driven by product use. In order to increase the use of domestic medical devices, the Directorate General of Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices (Ditjen Farmalkes) has made various efforts. Among them are by organizing meetings to improve stakeholders' understanding of the use of domestic medical devices, business matching between users (health facilities) and the medical device industry which creates the potential for transactions in the use of domestic medical devices, and ultimately increases spending on these medical devices.
Although spending on domestic medical device products has increased, the medical device industry must still innovate in terms of improving the quality of domestic medical devices. Therefore, the Directorate General of Pharmaceuticals is making efforts to increase the adoption of new technologies and the production capacity of domestic medical devices in the context of accelerating the purchase of domestically produced medical devices in the hope that the domestic medical device industry will be more advanced and able to produce quality products to meet domestic needs, compete with imported products, and penetrate the global market.
Located in Padang, West Sumatra, on May 6-8, 2024 the Directorate General of Pharmaceuticals held a meeting between the domestic Medical Device Industry and Health Care Facilities in West Sumatra Province with the title "Increasing the Adoption of New Technology and Production Capacity of Domestic Medical Devices in the Context of Accelerating Shopping for Domestically Produced Medical Devices".
The meeting, which was opened by the Director General of Pharmaceuticals, featured presentations from BPKP, Ministry of Industry, GAKESLAB, and ASPAKI. In addition, there was also Business Matching and an exhibition of domestic medical equipment involving Hospitals, Poltekkes, BPAFK, and 73 medical equipment companies.
In his report, Director of Pharmaceutical Security and Medical Devices Roy Himawan said, this meeting is one of the activities in a series of efforts to increase the knowledge of medical device users related to the technology and quality of domestically produced medical devices; increasing the use of domestic medical devices in the implementation of government procurement of goods / services. "We hope that the domestic medical device industry will be more advanced and able to produce quality products to meet domestic needs, compete with imported products, and be able to penetrate the global market," said Roy Himawan.
Meanwhile, Director General of Pharmaceuticals L. Rizka Andalucia said in her speech that the Ministry of Health has made various policies to encourage the resilience of medical devices, including by substituting imported products. This policy regulates that if domestic products can meet national needs, a freeze will be imposed on imported products of similar medical devices in the e-catalog.
"I hope this meeting can provide useful results for users in increasing knowledge related to technology and quality of domestic medical devices, and for medical device manufacturers to improve innovation and quality of medical devices based on research conducted downstream, as well as input from users," said the Director General of Binfar and PKRT, ending her remarks.