“Before the Covid 19 pandemic era, the plan to implement the 2021 Eastern Regional RAKONAS of the Directorate General of Pharmacology was held in East Java and the Western Regional in Bengkulu, the year changed, the pandemic had not yet ended so that the implementation of RAKONAS was carried out virtually. As a form of appreciation, we still make East Java and Bengkulu as the host icons for this year's implementation."
This morning (29/04/2021) Secretary General of the Ministry of Health - drg. Oscar Primadi, MPH officially opened the implementation of the RAKONAS Farmalkes for the Western Region, together with Plt. Director General of Farmalkes - drg. Arianti Anaya, MKM. The Secretary General again conveyed the direction of health development for the 2020-2024 period in improving health services towards universal health coverage, strengthening primary health care by increasing promotive and preventive efforts, and supported by innovation and technology utilization. (see previous news: https://farmalkes.kemkes.go.id/2021/04/peningkatan-pelayanan-kesehatan-menuju-cakupan-kesehatan-semesta/ )
Likewise with Plt. Director General of Farmalkes, again gave directions regarding the purpose of holding the Western Regional Pharmacy RAKONAS activity, namely in an effort to increase understanding and synergy between central and regional levels, program implementation, and support for provinces / districts / cities to achieve strategic targets, program / activity targets and Program / Activity Performance Indicators in the Ministry of Health Strategic Plan 2020-2024. (see previous news: https://farmalkes.kemkes.go.id/2021/04/peningkatan-akses-kemandirian-dan-mutu-kefarmasian-dan-alat-kesehatan-guna-mencapai-tujuan-peningkatan-sumber-daya-kesehatan/ )
In her remarks at the East Regional RAKONAS in 2021 (27/04/2021), the Head of the East Java Provincial Health Office, dr. Herlin Ferliana, M.Kes, expressed his welcome to all RAKONAS participants accompanied by a video background of traditional cultural and culinary tourism in East Java, as if a little treating the participants' longing for East Java which supports the theme of the 2021 RAKONAS to strive to realize the resilience of pharmaceuticals and medical devices in the context of health reform.
At this time, the Head of the Bengkulu Provincial Office - H. Herwan Antoni, SKM, M.Kes, M.Si also expressed his gratitude to the Directorate General of Pharmaceuticals of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia and all related parties, even though virtually, this National Coordination Meeting can still be held, and hopes that through this RAKONAS Directorate General of Pharmaceuticals and Health Equipment, a synergy of pharmaceutical and medical equipment programs from the Center, Province to Regency / City will be formed, so that the Regions can support the achievement of the Central program in increasing access, independence and quality of pharmaceutical preparations and medical devices, more specifically in handling the COVID-19 pandemic.
Resilience is the ability to adapt and remain resilient in difficult situations. The contribution of Pharmacy and Medical Devices in handling the Covid 19 pandemic is very important in maintaining national resilience through managing the availability of needs and logistics of drugs, BMHP, Vaccines and Reagents.
East Java's support is not without reason, vaccination is the main focus seeing the record number of Covid 19 confirmed cases until April 26, 2021 recorded 146,088 positive confirmations, 133,401 (91.32%) recovered, 7,136 suspected and 1,023 probable, and 10,535 died. From the start of vaccination implementation on January 14, 2021 throughout East Java with a target target of 4,812,114 with details of human resources 189,907, public service officers 2,070,774, and the elderly 2,551,433 with the number of health facilities ready to provide services as many as 1,649 (51.56%) health facilities.
Supported by trained vaccinators who are ready to provide services totaling 15,119 people spread across 968 Puskesmas, 681 government hospitals, private hospitals, clinics, TNI hospitals and Bhayangkara hospitals in all districts / cities in East Java with a target of up to April 18, 2021 for 2 doses of 9,624,228 doses. **farmalkes2021
One of the pharmaceutical resilience efforts in East Java is to build public awareness in maintaining immunity and popularize the use of traditional medicines through MSMEs while driving the people's economy by utilizing local resources and providing jobs for the community supported by Governor's Regulation No. 6 on the protection of traditional medicines and support in the form of accelerated licensing, assistance and guidance.
Likewise, Bengkulu Province also supports the Central Government's program in increasing access, independence and quality of pharmaceutical preparations and medical devices, especially in handling the Covid19 pandemic. In terms of handling the Covid19 pandemic, the Bengkulu Provincial Health Office takes an important role in terms of prevention, contact tracing, quarantine services for confirmed Covid19 patients, as well as supplying Covid19 logistics needs and logistics supporting Covid19 vaccination.
The Bengkulu Provincial Health Office has examined 27,190 samples, with 6,517 COVID19 positive specimens. On the other hand, the Bengkulu Provincial Health Office continues to increase the coverage of COVID19 vaccination, where out of a total of 124,480 doses received from the Indonesian Ministry of Health, 119,680 doses (96.14%) have been administered to people in Bengkulu Province. In addition, the percentage of districts/cities with the availability of essential drugs and vaccines in Bengkulu Province Q-1 of 2021 is 90% (above the national target of 85%).