Jakarta, March 4, 2022
Indonesian Minister of Health Budi Gunadi Sadikin officially inaugurated the Director General of Public Health, Key Expert Functional Officials, and the Inauguration of the Board of Supervisors of Public Service Agency Satker within the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) in Jakarta, Friday (4/3). The inauguration of these officials is expected to support Indonesia's health transformation.
“I believe that transformation can happen if all components of the Ministry of Health work wholeheartedly in the same direction. Therefore, with this inauguration, I hope that all new leaders can carry out their duties to secure the transformation of the Indonesian health system going forward. And for all other members to support your leaders in overseeing the transformation of our national health system going forward,” said the Minister of Health.
Among the officials inaugurated, there were 2 officials within the Directorate General of Pharmaceutical and Medical Devices, namely:
- dr. WIENDRA WAWORUNTU, M.Kes. as Principal Expert Policy Analyst at the Ministry of Health
- AGUSDINI BANUN SAPTANINGSIH as Member of the Supervisory Board of Dr. M. Goenawan Partowidigdo Lung Hospital Cisarua Bogor
To Mrs. Wiendra Waworuntu, who was inaugurated as a Principal Expert Policy Analyst Functional Official within the Health Development Policy Agency. The Minister of Health said, “As a main expert functional official, you have the consequence of fostering the level below you to be a good role model. I believe you are able to assess policy alternatives, formulate policy recommendations in accordance with the results of the assessment of policy alternatives, and carry out performance evaluation of the implementation of policies that have been determined,” said Minister Budi.
As for the inaugurated chairpersons and members of the Hospital Supervisory Board, the Minister of Health advised that the Supervisory Board must provide suggestions, inputs, advice and responses to the BLU Management Official on the BLU's financial and performance reports while still prioritizing excellent service to the community. “You must master the Strategic Business Plan (RSB) and Business and Budget Plan (RBA) for the current year as well as its implementing regulations, so that you can conduct early detection based on the analysis of the data received. Furthermore, you can immediately prepare a Plan of Action to discuss the next steps in carrying out your duties and functions. With the preparation of a good Plan of Action, it will have an impact on the improvement and enhancement of services in the Hospital,” said Minister Budi.
With the COVID-19 pandemic declining and under control, he continued, the big task that awaits us is to transform or reform the national health system. This task is the third task given by President Joko Widodo to ensure that this period of great health crisis is an opportunity to fundamentally improve the shortcomings in the health system.
The Ministry of Health has launched a health transformation, both in primary care, referral services, health security systems, health financing systems, health human resource systems, and health technology systems. “The year 2023 is a very challenging year, we must make many major breakthroughs so that this year is a very important year for the Ministry of Health to be able to quickly implement the main transformations that must be completed before 2024,” said the Minister of Health.