Jakarta, June 15, 2021
The Directorate of Pharmaceutical Services, Directorate General of Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices, Ministry of Health held a Webinar on the Socialization of Pharmacy and Drugstore Business Standards in PMK Number 14 of 2021 concerning Business Activity and Product Standards in the Implementation of Risk-based Business Licensing in the Health Sector which was held on Tuesday, June 15, 2021, at 08.30 - 12.00 WIB, via zoom and live streaming youtube. The objectives of this webinar meeting are:
- Socialize PMK 14 of 2021 concerning Business Activity and Product Standards in the Implementation of Risk-based Business Licensing in the Health Sector, especially for the Pharmacy and Drugstore Business Sector;
- Informing the implementation of Online Single Submission (OSS) in accordance with PP 5 of 2021;
- Optimizing IEC of Pharmaceutical Services, as well as coordination and collaboration in the context of implementing this PMK 14 of 2021 to interested parties at the central level, between K / L agencies, pharmacy and drugstore businesses, and regional health offices.
The webinar on the Socialization of Pharmacy and Drugstore Business Standards in PMK Number 14 of 2021 concerning Business Activity and Product Standards in the Implementation of Risk-based Business Licensing in the Health Sector began with an opening and direction from the Director of Pharmaceutical Services. This meeting was attended by representatives of pharmaceutical professionals who are in charge of pharmaceutical services in health service facilities, representatives from provincial / regency / city health offices and representatives of professional organizations from IAI and PAFI, as well as business actors in the pharmaceutical sector (pharmacies and drug stores). Webinar participants totaled 1,810 people who followed via zoom and YouTube social media.
Here Youtube Live Streaming link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BwIm8XhGfgY.
The materials presented in this webinar are as follows:
- Pharmacy and Drugstore Business Standards by Mrs. Dita Novianti, S.Si., Apt., M.M., Director of Pharmaceutical Services, Directorate General of Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices, Ministry of Health;
- Implementation of Risk-based Business Licensing in the Health Sector, by Mr. Iwan Kurniawan, S.H., M.H., Sub-Coordinator of Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Regulations and Inspectorate, Bureau of Law and Organization, Ministry of Health;
- Implementation of Online Single Submission (OSS) in accordance with PP 5 of 2021 by Ms. Fitriana Aghita Pratama, S.E., MSc., Head of System Technical Support Section, Directorate of Business Licensing System Development, Investment Coordinating Board.
In this webinar discussion, the respondents were Dr. Prabawa Eka Soesanta, S.Sos., M.Si., Director of Deconcentration of Assistance and Cooperation Tasks, Ministry of Home Affairs and Mr. Apt. Drs. Nurul Falah Eddy Pariang, Chairman of the Indonesian Pharmacists Association (IAI) to provide input and responses to the materials presented by the three speakers.
The material presented in this socialization can be obtained through the link http://bit.ly/materi-sosialisasi-pmk14.
Some other information related to Pharmaceutical Services that has been organized through webinars by the Directorate of Pharmaceutical Services can be followed through Youtube Management and Clinical Pharmacy bit.ly/youtube-MKF. (nk)