Pandemic Provides Lessons on the Importance of Health Sector Resilience
Pre-Rakonas Directorate General of Pharmaceutical and Medical Devices 2022.
Director General of Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices - Rizka Lucia Andalusia in her remarks, said that the pandemic provides lessons on the need to carry out Health Transformation, to realize better preparedness, prevention, and response to the next health threat.
“The pandemic experience has taught us that it is time for a health transformation. We have experienced times when COVID-19 has made health a priority issue, and more and more people care about health. The pandemic also taught us the importance of health sector resilience, to overcome systemic problems, and will be achieved by increasing health capacity. On the other hand, the national health system is ready for transformation, characterized by the expansion of JKN coverage and the application of digital technology in health. “ said the Director General.
“I also emphasize to you both in the regions and at the center, that we must seriously guard the use of domestic products, especially in the field of pharmaceuticals and medical devices. This has been mentioned by President Jokowi in the Affirmation of the Use of Domestic Products activity some time ago,” he continued.
Closing his remarks, the Director General of Pharmacy said that through the implementation of this Pre Rakonas, we can identify and agree on strategic points of collaboration in 2022, so that the implementation of health transformation can be carried out towards pharmaceutical security and national medical devices. The activity was attended by representatives of 34 Provincial Health Offices, Structural and Functional Officials of the Directorate General of Pharmacy and representatives from the Ministry of Home Affairs. With the method of presenting material from the center and continued with discussions between central and regional participants to harmonize policies, strategies, programs / activities, and budgets, in the implementation of health transformation, especially in the fields of pharmacy and medical devices. ***farmalkes2022farmalkes2022