Various efforts are made to achieve domestic medical device self-sufficiency, one of which is through business matching activities between users in the government health service sector and the domestic medical device industry.
Business matching and exhibition of domestic medical devices was held on Tuesday (20/9) in Surabaya. This activity is a series of previous activities that have been carried out in various cities, including the West Regional in Medan City, Central Regional in Lombok City and East Regional in Manado City.
Acting. Director of Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Resilience Doni Arianto in his report said that this meeting was one of the activities in an effort to increase the knowledge of medical device users of government work units related to the technology and quality of domestically produced medical devices.
"It is carried out in the form of workshops, one on one business matching, product presentation, exhibition of domestic medical devices and business networking between researchers in the field of medical devices from Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS), Airlangga University (UNAIR) and Brawijaya University (UB) with the medical device industry as an effort to downstream domestic medical device products," added Doni.
"Currently in East Java there are 1,500 hospitals, 972 health centers, existing health service facilities will require medical devices, the purchase of high-risk medical devices must be careful, because patient safety is the main thing. The government requires the purchase of domestically produced medical devices and we must support and support the government," said Head of Health Resources of the East Java Provincial Health Office Lili Aprilianti in her speech.
In line with Presidential Instruction Number 2 of 2022 concerning the Acceleration of Increasing the Use of Domestic Products and Products of Micro, Small and Cooperative Enterprises to Succeed the National Movement for Proud of Indonesian Products in the Implementation of Government Procurement of Goods / Services, the Ministry of Health through the 3rd Pillar of Health System Transformation, continues to strive to increase the resilience of the pharmaceutical and medical device sector. One of them is by increasing the growth of the industry and types of domestic medical devices and increasing spending on domestically produced medical devices.
"When Presidential Instruction No. 2/2022 was issued, President Joko Widodo specifically told the Heads of Ministries/Institutions and Regional Heads throughout Indonesia to accelerate the use of domestic products. At that time he specifically said that related to the use of domestic medical devices, there are already many products that can be produced by local producers, but the willingness to use is still very low. He said he no longer wants to hear that hospital beds, wheelchairs or medical devices are imported," said Director General Rizka in the opening of the business matching event.
"This activity aims to provide information to users regarding domestically produced medical equipment products, introduce hospital directors, procurement officials, how to choose products with high TKDN values in the e-Catalog so as to optimize the use of domestic products, and facilitate business actors to exhibit domestic products," added Director General Rizka.
Furthermore, Director General Rizka said that users can use domestic medical equipment, the more it is used, the better the quality of the medical equipment, because we will get user experience, which can later be used to improve the quality of domestic medical equipment. If we do not start to force the use of domestic products, then the quality or ability of our domestic industries will also not increase.
"Based on LKPP e-catalog data, there is an increase in domestic medical device transactions by 3.8 times compared to 2019-2021, the number of domestic medical device distribution licenses has also increased by 68.80 percent over the past 3 years," explained Director General Rizka.
This certainly cannot be achieved without a synergistic collaboration between the government, private, and community sectors. The use of domestic products in the health care sector is not only done as an expression of pride for the innovative work of the nation's children, but also shows that Indonesian medical device products have met quality quality, are safe, and useful, as well as affordable for the community.
Despite the increase, Indonesia's medical equipment trade balance in 2022 will still experience a deficit due to the dominance of import transactions.
The Ministry of Health has made various policies to encourage pharmaceutical and medical device resilience, including by substituting imported products. Where it has been regulated that if domestic products can meet national needs, a freeze or downgrade will be carried out on imported medical device products in the e-catalog.
"This provides market assurance for domestic medical devices in the procurement process of government goods/services in health care facilities. In addition, the quality of domestic medical equipment is also sought to be continuously improved and has an accountable quality through pre-market and post-market supervision," concluded Director General Rizka.
On this occasion, the Ministry of Health also gave appreciation to three hospitals that have a commitment to the realization of the highest domestic medical equipment spending in East Java Province through e-catalogue for the January-December 2022 period.
That is, in the high category (more than Rp50 M) achieved by Sidoarjo Regional Hospital with domestic medical equipment expenditure of 45.12 percent, in the medium category (15-50 M) achieved by Dr. Soeroto Ngawi Regional Hospital, with domestic medical equipment expenditure of 83.72 percent and in the low category (less than Rp15 M) achieved by Sumberglagah Mojokerto Regional Hospital with medical equipment expenditure of 83.61 percent.
The three-day meeting was attended by the Special Staff of the Minister for Resilience of the Drug and Medical Devices Industry, the Center for Increasing the Use of Domestic Production (P3DN), the Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP), the Bureau of Goods and Services Procurement, the East Java Provincial Health Office, hospitals in East Java, researchers, associations and 80 domestic medical device providers who participated in the domestic medical device exhibition.