Bandung, 20 December 2024
By 2022, tuberculosis (TB) will be the second leading cause of death in the world after COVID-19, and it is still a global health problem.
In Indonesia, TB is one of the major health problems. According to the Global TB Report 2023, Indonesia has the second highest TB caseload in the world after India. It is estimated that there are 1,060,000 cases and 134,000 deaths per year in Indonesia due to TB. This has become a special concern for the president, so that handling TB is part of one of the President's three Quick Win Programs in the health sector.
Strategic steps are needed to overcome this challenge quickly and appropriately that focus on real and sustainable results, therefore the role of health workers including pharmacists is very important. For this reason, the Directorate General of Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices held a meeting “Optimizing Pharmacists in Tuberculosis Control” in Bandung on 20 December 2024.

Director of Pharmaceutical Management and Services Agusdini Banun Saptaningsih in her report said that this activity aims to increase the understanding and strategic role of pharmacists in TB control through education, drug management and monitoring patient compliance.
The activity, which was opened by the Director General of Pharmaceutical and Health Services L. Rizka Andalucia, was carried out in a hybrid manner. Rizka said that TB treatment has great challenges, including the long duration of treatment and the risk of drug resistance due to non-compliance. “This is where pharmacists are present as partners of patients and the community, pharmacists have an important role in increasing public understanding of the wise and rational use of drugs, especially related to TB treatment,” said Rizka.
Pharmacists not only act as dispensers of medicine, but also as educators, companions, and drivers of positive change in the community.
Rizka further said that TB control is not just the responsibility of one party. Synergy, collaboration, and commitment from all elements of the nation are needed. By involving all parties, Rikza is optimistic that we can reduce the number of TB cases and achieve a TB-free Indonesia by 2030.
“Let us step together towards TB elimination, building a healthier and stronger future for the nation,” said Rizka. This meeting presented expert speakers in their fields, including Prof. Dr. dr. Erlina Burhan, M.Sc., Sp.P (K), Tri Kusumaeni, S.Si., Apt, M.Pharm, dr. Tiffany Tiara Pakasi, MA, and Dr. Sulistya Widada. Hundreds of participants participated in a hybrid manner such as AoC pharmacists from all over Indonesia, as well as representatives from the Provincial Health Office of West Java and Jakarta.