The Plenary Meeting for the Preparation of the National Formulary (Fornas) in 2019 was held by the Directorate of Pharmaceutical Services, Directorate General of Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices at the Royal Kuningan Hotel Jakarta on 15 to 16 May 2019, attended by 150 invitees consisting of the National Committee for the Preparation of Fornas 2019, Head of Provincial / Regency / City Health Office and Head of Hospital Pharmacy Installation selected based on the proposals received, Chairperson of the Association / Organization of Health Professionals, and Director of BUMN Pharmaceutical Industry.

The National Formulary is a list of selected drugs that are needed and must be available in health care facilities in the context of implementing the National Health Insurance. In line with this, it is necessary to revise the Fornas periodically as an effort to improve and provide room for improvement of the contents of the Fornas.
The implementation of the 2019 Fornas Preparation activities has gone through 5 (five) Technical Discussion Meetings to discuss drug proposals submitted by the proposing agencies and a comprehensive review of drugs already listed in the Fornas. The review was conducted on 302 proposed items in 469 dosage forms/strengths, and also on the 2017 Fornas and its amendments (595 items in 1,050 dosage forms/strengths).

The agenda of the 2019 National Formulary (Fornas) Plenary Meeting that has been held includes a presentation of “Drug Selection in EBM-based Fornas as quality control and cost control in JKN” by the Chairperson of the National Commission for the Preparation of Fornas and Discussion of Therapy Classes.

The Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, Prof. Dr. dr. Nila Djuwita F. Moeloek, Sp.M (K) had the opportunity to officially open this event, in her direction the Minister of Health hoped that from the implementation of the Fornas Compilation process in 2019, discussion results could be obtained to improve Fornas, so as to increase the rational use of drugs in order to achieve the highest degree of public health through the application of Fornas as quality control and cost control in JKN.