The National Formulary (Fornas) is a list of selected drugs needed and available in health care facilities as a reference in the implementation of the National Health Insurance Program (JKN). The role of Fornas is very important in the implementation of health services in the JKN era. As an instrument of quality control and cost control in JKN services, Fornas is useful as a reference for prescription writers, optimizing services to patients, facilitating planning, and supplying drugs in health care facilities.
Thus, it is expected that by implementing the use of drugs according to Fornas in health services in health care facilities, optimal health services will be achieved through the use of rational drugs and patients will get selected drugs that are appropriate, efficacious, quality, safe, affordable and cost-effective.
The Directorate General of Pharmaceutical and Health Services through the Directorate of Pharmaceutical Services held an Evaluation Meeting on the Implementation of the National Formulary (Fornas) as an effort to improve the implementation of Fornas in the implementation of the National Health Insurance Program (JKN).
The activity, which was held in Jakarta on December 06-11, 2021 with the division of West, Central, and East Regional areas, was attended by meeting participants consisting of the Head of the Pharmacy Installation or Pharmacy and Therapy Committee, Regional Hospitals online, and offline participants attended by representatives from the Health Office in Jabodebek and the Head of the Pharmacy Installation or Pharmacy and Therapy Committee from several hospitals in Jabodebek while still implementing health protocols.
The meeting was held with material presentation and discussion with participants to discuss the evaluation of the implementation of the National Fomularium in hospitals. The speakers at this meeting were the National Committee Team for the Preparation of Fornas, namely Prof. Erna Kristin, dr. Erwin, SpPD and dr. Pinzon, SpS, Director of Oblik Governance and Perbekkes dr. Wiendra Waworuntu, M.Kes., BPJS Health, Dra. Rina, Apt, from RSCM and Dra. Setianti, Apt, from Fatmawati Hospital Jakarta.
The implementation of Fornas needs to be monitored and evaluated continuously to assess compliance and the impact of Fornas implementation in the implementation of JKN, as stated in Permenkes 54 of 2018 concerning the Compilation and Implementation of the National Formulary in the Implementation of the Health Insurance Program.
Director of Pharmaceutical Services, Dita Novianti, S.Si, Apt., in her remarks said "Based on the report data we received until the third quarter of this year, there is an average Fornas compliance of 67% of hospitals that use drugs according to Fornas >80%. It is expected that by the end of the year we will reach at least 75% of hospitals that use drugs in accordance with Fornas >80%, in accordance with the targets in the Strategic Plan and RPJMN."
The Director of Pharmaceutical Services highly appreciates the holding of this Fornas Implementation Evaluation activity, as an effort to identify various potential problems so that effective anticipation strategies can be prepared in improving the implementation of Fornas. It is hoped that the results of the Fornas Implementation Evaluation can be used to improve Fornas Implementation in order to ensure patient safety.