In accordance with Law Number 36 of 2009 concerning Health and Law Number 40 of 2004 concerning the National Health Insurance System (SJSN) elaborated in Presidential Regulation Number 82 of 2018 concerning Health Insurance, states that drug services are guided by a list of drugs determined by the Minister, as outlined in the National Formulary (Fornas).
Fornas is a list of selected drugs that serves as a reference for writing prescriptions and as a quality control instrument for cost control in the implementation of the health insurance program. The review of Fornas is conducted periodically to adjust to scientific advances and provide room for improvement of the contents of Fornas. Since it was first compiled in 2013, Fornas has undergone 4 revisions and 6 addendums.
In the preparation of Fornas, a National Committee (Komnas) is formed that is responsible to the Minister of Health, consisting of elements from the Ministry of Health, the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency, BKKBN, BPJS Kesehatan, professional organizations, and experts.
In connection with the simplicity of the National Commission on Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices, on July 15, 2022 the Minister of Health established the National Formulary Team (Fornas), through Decree of the Minister of Health Number HK.01.07/MENKES/1295/2022 concerning the National Committee for Drug Selection and Phytopharmacology, which is a merger of the National Commission for the Preparation of Fornas, the National Commission for the Preparation of the National Essential Medicines List (DOEN), and the National Commission for the Preparation of the Phytopharmacology Formulary, with a term of service until December 31, 2024.
The established Fornas team has begun to carry out its duties in this year's Fornas review process by assessing drug proposals to be included in the Fornas, providing technical/scientific input in the preparation and implementation of the Fornas, and evaluating drugs in the Fornas.
With the issuance of the Kepmenkes, on September 13, 2022 the Directorate General of Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices through the Directorate of Pharmaceutical Management and Services held an audience of the Fornas Team with the Minister of Health which was attended by around 17 Fornas Team members and 20 Ministry of Health members offline, and 25 Fornas Team members listed in the Kepmenkes online.
Director General of Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices, L. Rizka Andalucia, said that the process of implementing the Fornas review has been carried out since July and a Plenary Meeting has been held. It is expected that the entire discussion process will be completed in September, so that the determination and implementation of the Fornas Addendum can be implemented immediately.
In this hearing, Minister of Health Budi Gunadi Sadikin appreciated the active role and cooperation of the entire Fornas Team since the preparation of Fornas in 2013 until now. "I hope that the National Formulary Team remains independent and free from conflicts of interest, as well as holding a commitment in applying scientific evidence-based drug selection criteria while still considering the benefit-cost ratio and benefit-risk ratio," said the Minister of Health.