Communication and information forums between stakeholders involving Provincial and Regency / City Regional Apparatus and the Central Government are needed to achieve optimization and collaboration between the Center and Regions in Strengthening Services Towards Universal Coverage. In connection with this, a Regional Health Work Meeting (Rakerkesda) was held in one of the fostered areas of the Directorate General of Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices, namely Riau Islands Province.
The Riau Islands Province Regional Health Meeting was held on April 11-14, 2019 at the Best Western Panbil Hotel, Batam by raising five Strategic Issues. The five strategic issues are improving quality and immunization coverage, accelerating TB elimination, accelerating stunting reduction, improving and preventing non-communicable diseases (NCDs) and reducing maternal and child mortality.
The Riau Islands Province Rakerkesda was attended by all stakeholders involved in health issues and was carried out using discussion methods, interactive dialogues, and group discussions. This activity was attended by the Indonesian Minister of Health, Prof. Dr. dr, Nila Moeloek, Sp.M(K) and the Governor of Riau Islands, Nurdin Basirun.
The speakers from the Central Ministry of Health are: Director General of Pharmaceuticals, Engko Sosialine; Principal Expert Policy Analyst, Untung Suseno; and Expert Staff to the Minister of Health for Health Law, Kuwat Sri Hudoyo.
In his directions, the Minister of Health said that he did not only want to increase the life expectancy of Indonesians. Furthermore, he wants the quality of life of the Indonesian people.
Indonesia's life expectancy from 1990 to 2017 has increased from 64 years to 71 years. However, for Riau Islands, the Minister said, life expectancy is still low and below the national life expectancy. “God willing, the Governor is very concerned about health issues, so that the outcome we get is quality health,” he said.
Indonesia's maternal mortality rate is still high compared to the Philippines, Vietnam and Singapore. In addition to maternal mortality, the trend of under-five malnutrition status in Riau Islands is still quite high, the Minister said. According to him, all health stakeholders must do a lot of consultation so that the Kepri children do not suffer from stunting. “In addition, we also need to motivate the prevention of diabetes,” said the Minister.
Minister of Health invites all stakeholders in health development to echo the Healthy Living Community Movement (Germas) and strengthen health services. In addition, to strengthen the quality of health in Riau Islands, his office has sent medical personnel and is trying to return specialists to each regency/city.
The Director General of Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices, Dra. Engko Sosialine Magdalene, Apt., M.Bio Med, who is also the Regional Supervisor of Riau Islands Province, in her direction said that the Rakerkesda this time was aimed at producing an action plan that shows the optimization of program implementation in the last year of RPJMN 2015-2019, as well as a Regional Action Plan for 2020 which focuses on 5 national priorities.
The development of the Regional Action Plan that was conducted during the Rakerkesda has an important meaning in the planning cycle, especially if we relate it to the planning-budgeting process in the regions and the current policy for the implementation of the Minimum Service Standards (MSS) for the Health Sector. Through the Regional Action Plan, mapping, analysis and determination of intervention strategies will be made to address the 5 national health priorities.
This process is the stage of SPM implementation that is mandated by the Provincial Government and District/City Governments, namely at the stage of preparing the needs plan. Furthermore, with related costing instruments, this Action Plan can become a budget planning document included in the respective RAPBD discussion cycle.
“In addition, I also hope that when you formulate your respective Regional Medium-Term Development Plans (RPJMD), you can mainstream the 5 national priorities, so that they will be in line with the technocratic draft of the National RPJM in the 2020-2024 period,” said the Director General of Farmalkes.