Jakarta, 13 November 2016
National Health Day (HKN) is celebrated on November 12 every year. The Ministry of Health has set the theme of the 52nd National Health Day in 2016 as Indonesia Loves Health: with the sub-theme Healthy Living Society, Strong Indonesia. This theme can be interpreted broadly in preventive and promotive efforts, in line with the Healthy Indonesia Program through the Healthy Living Community Movement (Germas) which was launched this year.
In order to celebrate the 52nd National Health Day, Sunday, November 13, 2016, the Directorate General of Pharmaceuticals and Health Equipment, Ministry of Health, together with the Indonesian Food and Drug Administration (Badan POM), ISMAFARSI Alumni Family Association (IKA ISMAFARSI), ISMAFARSI and the Regional Board of the Indonesian Pharmacists Association DKI Jakarta held a Healthy Action for Indonesia at Car Free Day Bundaran HI Jakarta. The action was attended by 1,100 pharmacy students, pharmacists, and the public from Jakarta, Banten, Tangerang, Bogor, Depok, Lampung, Palembang, Kalimantan, Bandung, Tegal, Yogyakarta. The long march was symbolically released by the Head of BPOM RI, Ir. Penny K. Lukito, MCP accompanied by the Principal Secretary of BPOM, Dra. Reri Indriani, MSi, Apt, and officials of the Directorate General of Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices of the Ministry of Health, namely the Secretary of the Directorate General of Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices, DR. Agusdini Banun, MARS, Apt, Director of Pharmaceutical Services, Dra. R. Dettie Yuiati, M.Si, Apt, and Director of Medical Device Control Ir. Sodikin Sadek, M.Kes.
Director of Pharmaceutical Services of the Directorate General of Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices, Ministry of Health, Dra. R. Dettie Yuliati, M.Si, Apt in her speech explained that the Healthy Living Community Movement (Germas) emphasizes the importance of educating people to behave healthily through promotive and preventive efforts. Healthy living is done by, among others, doing physical activity, consuming vegetables and fruits, not smoking, not consuming alcohol, checking health regularly, cleaning the environment and using latrines. In line with that, related to medicine, last year the Smart Community Movement for Using Medicine (GeMa CerMat) was launched. In the healthy action, GeMa CerMat is one of the materials campaigned to the community.
“This movement was launched by the Indonesian Minister of Health on November 13, 2015, as part of promotive - preventive efforts and community empowerment in increasing the rational use of drugs in the community and improving patient safety. GeMa CerMat is a joint effort between the government and the community through a series of activities in order to realize public awareness, understanding and skills in using drugs appropriately and correctly. Through this movement, it is hoped that the community can use medicines correctly, including obtaining, storing and disposing of medicines properly. And the community should actively seek information and ask questions before using medicine. So that health problems due to drug misuse can be prevented,” said Dettie.
Along Jl. Sudirman to Bundaran HI, long march participants distributed leaflets and posters of GeMa CerMat to the public who attended the CFD. The public was urged to be smart in using drugs by actively seeking information on drug packaging or asking pharmacists. One of the posters reads Ask the Five O's, which are five things that the public should at least know before using medicine. People should know complete information about the drugs they consume, namely the name and content, efficacy, how to use, dosage and side effects. This is often missed by the public. In the case of over-the-counter drugs, the information is listed on the drug packaging, but it is often not considered, including other information. Dettie added, “Through the slogan use drugs appropriately, read the information carefully, we invite the public to be smart in using drugs, so that they do not experience health problems due to drugs.” At the same time, BPOM is also campaigning for the National Movement for Safe Drugs and Food (GNPOPA) by distributing leaflets and putting up posters with various slogans and appeals for the public to become smart drug consumers.
“Healthy Action for Indonesia is one of the efforts of IKA ISMAFARSI and ISMAFARSI supported by the Indonesian Ministry of Health, POM RI, PD IAI Jakarta by inviting the Indonesian people, pharmacy students and pharmacists at CFD Bundaran HI to familiarize themselves with a healthy lifestyle, one of which is exercising at the Longmarch event, said Ridho Muhammad Sakti Project Officer HKN 52. “Together with the Indonesian Ministry of Health and BPOM RI, we socialize healthy living by exercising and resting regularly, consuming enough nutrients, the dangers of improper use of drugs and the importance of drug information for the community through the Smart Community Movement Using Drugs (GeMa CerMat) and the National Movement for Safe Drugs and Food (GNPOPA). In addition, we prepared a community education post for drug counseling, Ask Five-O, Theatrical Action by ISMAFARSI, Anti-Counterfeit Drug Campaign/STOP (To Avoid Counterfeit Drugs), said Ridho, Former Secretary General of ISMAFARSI 2014-2016.