Secretary General of the Indonesian Ministry of Health, Kunta Wibawa Dasa awarded the Directorate of Medical Device Supervision, Directorate of Medical Device Production and Distribution, Directorate of Pharmaceutical Production and Distribution, and Health Service Unit. In 2023, the four work units were selected to represent the Ministry of Health as the Locus of Compliance Evaluation for the Implementation of Public Services.
The award is given as a form of appreciation to leaders and employees for their commitment and competence in organizing public services. The Ministry of Health through the four loci achieved the green zone predicate in the 2023 Public Service Implementation Compliance Assessment.
The annual Compliance Assessment is a form of supervision of public service delivery by the Ombudsman RI which aims to encourage the prevention of maladministration and improve the quality of public services. In addition, compliance assessment is also a benchmark for evaluating and strengthening internal supervision through direct supervisors.
From the compliance assessment results, the Ministry of Health received a score of 85.73 with a high quality opinion. The value of each locus is as follows:
- Directorate of Medical Devices Control achieved a score of 88.78 category A with the Highest Quality Opinion
- Directorate of Medical Device Production and Distribution achieved a score of 87.28 categorized as B with High Quality Opinion,
- Directorate of Pharmaceutical Production and Distribution achieved a score of 83.97 category B with High Quality Opinion
- Health Services Unit achieved a score of 82.89 categorized as B with a High Quality opinion.
The Head of the Bureau of Communication and Public Services, Siti Nadia Tarmizi hopes that this appreciation and award can be an effective way to increase the commitment of leaders and employees in complying with the standards of public service delivery that have been set in the Ministry of Health's public service delivery unit.
"So that compliance with public service delivery in 2024 will be even better, because Compliance with Public Service Delivery is also one of the indicators in the Ministry's Bureaucratic Reform Evaluation," Nadia added.
Secretary of the Directorate General of Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices, Heri Radison, expressed his appreciation to the Directorate General of Pharmaceuticals Public Service Team for the achievements that have been made. However, he emphasized the importance of not being complacent and using these achievements as motivation to face the next challenges.
"The same assessment will be carried out again in 2024, so the relevant Directorates need to prepare themselves as well as possible so that the results this year will be even better," said Heri.
He said that "The next goal is not only to maintain the achievements that have been made, but also to improve them" he said.